Courses & CQ
Our courses and workshops targetted accompanying spouses and partners:
Danish Culture Course
– about Danish culture, the Danes and society
– facts and DOs & DON’Ts
Job Search & Danish Working Culture
– about Danish working culture and job seeking
– tools and methods for job search
– the job interview
Professional Networking & LinkedIn
– networking and use of LinkedIn as a tool
– optimize your profil and extend your network
Start Your Own Business
– How to register and start a business in Denmark
– Marketing and your business plan
Our workshops for international employees:
Conducting Business across Culture
– working in a diverse team
– optimize performance
Welcome to Denmark
– information about Denmark, Danish culture and the Danes
– facts about Danish society
– answers to questions about issues like the Danish Health Insurance, banks & insurance, schools and childcare, drivers license etc.
All participants receive our practical guide and handbook.
NEWS! We offer our clients and partners the opportunity to get a CQ assessment!
What is CQ (Cultural Intelligence)? CQ is a person’s capability to function effectively in a variety of cultural contexts – both internationally and domestically.
Who needs it and why? Everyone in today’s increasingly global and diverse marketplace who is interested in global impact.
CQ is measured and described by below four capabilities:
1. DRIVE: Your interest, drive and confidence to adapt to multicultural situations
2. KNOWLEDGE: Your understanding of both similarities and differences across cultures
3. STRATEGY: Your ability to adapt when relating and working interculturally
4. ACTION: Your awareness and ability to plan for multicultural interactions
Diverse teams are known for higher performance! However, this is only true, when the team members have a high cultural intelligence to get the most out of the teamwork!
CQ training and assessments are being used in numerous contexts, such as leadership development programmes, as a recruitment tool, to improve team performance and development as well as individual assessments.
Spousecare collaborates with The Cultural Intelligence Center (CQC) in Michigan, who is the leading world experts on CQ.
Contact us to make an appointment to get a CQ assessment and receive personal feedback on how to improve your personal CQ or the CQ of your team.